
Mae & Jared's Wedding by jennica hookstra

 I don't think these two could have asked for a more perfect day to exchange vows...

At Burnaby's Hart House, Mae stole the air out of everyone's lungs as she made her way down the aisle.  She looked absolutely stunning and Jared's eyes lit up like a 5 year old boy's on Christmas morning.

It was really nice to come as a guest and not be led by my lens.  However, who am I kidding? There's no way that I could refrain from being a shutter bug, especially at a wedding as beautiful as this was.

Mae & Jared arrived in style with their aviator shades and wicked dance moves out in full force.  If there is anything that these two know how to do, it's having fun and looking good while they're at it. 

I was so lucky to be a part of their special day and I look forward to watching their love and family grow.

Congratulations Mae & Jared! 

I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness!
This is a great song that I thought would compliment these magical photos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvCBSSwgtg4

Here are my favorite shots from my beautiful friend's wedding...

click on any photo to view entire album