
Colour me married!? by jennica hookstra

If you're up to date with all of the coolest wedding trends, then perhaps you have heard of "trash the dress" photoshoots.  If not, well then let me acquaint you...

My hilarious and beautiful friends, Mae and Jared recently tied the knot (see post: http://jennicahookstraphoto.blogspot.ca/2012/08/mae-jareds-wedding.html).  Mae and I email back and forth regularly and we had discussed the idea of a post wedding, dress trashing.  After all of the wedding hype had settled, Mae was committed to doing an unforgettable photoshoot together.  Mae, Jared, and I and all of the colours of the rainbow, in liquid form.

I don't think I have ever laughed so hard during a shoot.
We were in complete stitches for the 2.5hr duration of photo snapping, paint flying, madness!!  The weather was absolutely perfect and a surprise little helper, made the shoot magical...

A little girl was standing by watching "Princess Mae" and her handsome "Prince Jared" in complete awe. 
As Mae started to make her way to the water, the little girl approached her and asked "Are you a real princess!?"  Mae not having the heart to break it to her, confirmed her inquiry.  The little girl then shuffled her way behind Mae and scooped up the train of her dress and helped her to the water so it wouldn't "get dirty."  I think that all 3 of our hearts melted at that moment.

After we had finished playing on the beach it was time to get really messy!
I did my best to stay in the "safe zone" but when there's paint a flyin', there's always a chance you might get hit.  I lucked out...
The competitive nature of these two made the experience hilarious!  When one got paint in the face, the other had to retaliate with a one up!  We had to take breaks in between shots because we were all laughing far too hard to focus.
Once the bottles were empty, I suggested that it might be a good idea for them to go for a dip and rinse off.

I can be rather persuasive at times let me tell you... 
I managed to talk these 2 into dropping their drawers and baring it all for a refreshing dip.  Being the great sports that they are, Mae and Jared agreed to it!  So they slipped off their wedding gear and changed into their birthday suits! 
We managed to snap a few photos before we got into too much trouble.
I have to say that this was my favorite shoot ever. 
I have had some really incredible shoots, but this was by far the most hilarious, entertaining and rewarding.

Thank you so much Mae & Jared for all of the laughs, the incredible memories and the unforgettable images that I now have scarred into my mind. 
I love you both!

Here's a song that  I chose to fit perfectly with this shoot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSbBvKaM6sk

Please enjoy my favorite photos from the funniest shoot I have ever had...

click on any photo to view entire album