
Beauty Mark by jennica hookstra

I recently had a photoshoot with the incredibly charming and suave Mark Ratzlaff.  He is a talented writer, editor, film maker, producer and the owner of Miles Mook Productions

We thought of stepping "outside of the box" when we collaborated ideas for this artistic photoshoot.
The two of us put our heads together and came up with some fun ideas, which we then brought to life on camera.  It was a great project to share some creativity and have fun.  I enjoyed working with Mark, exploring a different side of photography and the imagination. 

We ended our shoot at Finn Slough which is a historical location in Richmond, B.C.  This hidden shanty town has amazing character and is an incredible place to take in the sunset.  The view here is just like one out of a fairytale.

If you have never had the pleasure of seeing Finn Slough, then I suggest you put it on your bucket list.  Just be forewarned...those boards that go across the bridge are very old and some aren't even nailed down.  I found this out while just about going ass over tea-kettle trying to snag a shot.  Needless to say, I was much more careful about where I placed my footing after that.

Check out two of the films Mark is a part of and join the Facebook pages below:
http://www.facebook.com/beautymarkthefilm (director/co-writer)
http://www.facebook.com/bloodrelativefilm (cinematographer/editor/co-producer)

This is the song that I chose for this post: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TTPGAy5H_E&feature=relmfu

Here are my favorite shots from our photo-shooting adventure...

click on any photo to view entire album